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Bienvenue à Bowen, petite ville côtière du Nord-Est de l'Australie, abritant moins de 7 000 habitants. Si vous recherchez le calme, la bonne humeur et la joie de vivre, vous serez au paradis. Tous les habitants vous le diront, Bowen est l'endroit idéal pour se ressourcer. Et puis ne vous inquiétez pas pour l'intégration, ici tout le monde se connaît et les habitants adorent accueillir les nouveaux. › suite.

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 A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia

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A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia Empty
MessageSujet: A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia   A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia EmptyMer 15 Juin 2022 - 18:54

A simple "hello" could lead to a million things
It is now the beginning of the afternoon and, today, you decided to take a little bit of time for yourself only. You'd like to buy some stuffs in differents shops. Indeed, you now avec some difficulties in wearing the clothes you used to wear a few months ago. Why ? Because your bump is getting bigger and bigger every weeks since you're pregnant. This is something you'd never imagine before. Of course, you're not going to do some shopping only for yourself, you're also planning on buying cute baby clothes. At this point, you feel this need of preparing yourself to welcome your child in a few months. Time is passing by really quick. You have this long tasks list of things to do before giving birth and knowing these tasks are reducing are truly satisfying. These are the reasons why you decided to go into the shoppings streets today. You dressed yourself with a beautiful pregnancy dress and a confortable pair of shoes. Then, you take your handbag before leaving Noah and Andrea for a few hours.

Once you arrived to your destination, you go to some shops to fulfill your need among all the beautiful dresses, pants and all the other pregnancy clothes, but also to finds some things for your unborn baby. Since it's your first child, you have nothings from precious pregnancies. To be truly honest with yourself, you never planned on becoming a mother. Not not, not ever but now, this is happening and you just want to make sure your baby's needs will all be fulfilled, even if this pregnancy wasn't planned. At first, you weren't truly happy about this new but now ? Your feelings about being a mother has changed. Now, you're feeling lucky and well-rounded. Of course, some of your concerns are persistant. You'll probably have them forever but now ? You just want to enjoy the present time.

Your purchases are finally done, but you still want to take a little bit of time just to do some window show. After all, even if your baby bump won't fit in many of these clothes doesn't mean you can't look, right ? What was unexpected is you, being face to face with someone you almost bumped into. Luckily, it didn't happen. I'm sorry... Even if you never saw this face in person, these facial characteristics seems a little bit familiar. Why ? Because you saw her somewhere. Where ? That's when the information finally seems crystal clear : She's the woman you defended on The Writers' article a few months ago. Emilia, right ? Enchanted to finally meet you in person. I'm Grace. You slightly smile at her. In the past, you already heard about her, particularly from Max who seems happy with her, you have no doubts about this.


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grand kangou
Emilia Manzoni
Emilia Manzoni
MESSAGE : 9119
ICI DEPUIS : 24/05/2021
COMPTES : Ally (d.lipa), Lou (t.swift)
CRÉDITS : av (c) hellish // sign (c) daylight

STATUT : And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all (heart broken.... again)

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A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia   A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia EmptyVen 1 Juil 2022 - 17:13

A simple "hello" could lead to a million things
It has been a week since you received that letter, a letter from Max. You weren't prepared to read all the thing that was written in it. Few weeks ago he took a flight to Sweden to handle some stuff about his dad... As you were working you were not able to go with him and you stayed in Bowen, taking care of pumpkin his little cat. And then you received this letter where it says that he decided to stay there, in Sweden and then it means that he was ending your relationship. At first you didn't believe it, you wouldn't believe it but it was real, Max won't coming back in Bowen and you are now single.
When you receive that letter, the 1st thing you did was to send it to your brother, you needed his word, you needeed him because you were lost. You still are actually, you don't know what happenned, if you did something wrong, you were thinking that it was your fault that he took that decision. Even if everyone was saying that it wasn't you couldn't think about something else.
So it's been a week, you're still not really good about it, you're not saying to your brother that sometimes in the night you're not sleeping, but crying. Love hurts and you didn't want to feel that pain again. You definitly not ready to give your heart back to someone else. You're not working today and you decided to go out, because you know that if you're staying at your place, you will cry all day long. You keep pumpkin with you, because you didn't want to abandon him again and you really love that cat even if you're a dog person.
Walking along the streets, not even looking where you're going or the shops, it's a voice, really close to you that woke you up from your minds. You look at the person in front of you and try to give her a smile but you can't fool anyone, everyon can tell that you're not okay. "No it's okay don't worry" you're saying to her. Her face seems familiar to you, you don't know from where you know her, but you definitly does. It's when she gives her name that you realize who she is. "Oh hi! Nice to meet you Grace!" And than you see her belly, you didn't want to appear sad in front of her. You know that she knows Max and knows about you and Max. "OMG congratulations for your pregnancy... I didn't know you were pregnant!"



how did it end?

Please I've been on my knees change the prophecy don't want money just someone who wants my company let it once be me who do I have to speak to about if they can redo the prophecy?

(c) by daylight
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A simple "hello" could lead to a million things ı Emilia
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