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Bienvenue à Bowen, petite ville côtière du Nord-Est de l'Australie, abritant moins de 7 000 habitants. Si vous recherchez le calme, la bonne humeur et la joie de vivre, vous serez au paradis. Tous les habitants vous le diront, Bowen est l'endroit idéal pour se ressourcer. Et puis ne vous inquiétez pas pour l'intégration, ici tout le monde se connaît et les habitants adorent accueillir les nouveaux. › suite.

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DYSON V8 Origin – Aspirateur balai sans fil
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269.99 €


 what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyMer 15 Mar 2023 - 14:32

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyJeu 16 Mar 2023 - 1:34

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyJeu 16 Mar 2023 - 9:51

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyVen 17 Mar 2023 - 21:03

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyVen 17 Mar 2023 - 21:33

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyVen 17 Mar 2023 - 22:10

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyVen 17 Mar 2023 - 22:42

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyVen 31 Mar 2023 - 23:04

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyDim 2 Avr 2023 - 14:12

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyDim 2 Avr 2023 - 18:58

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Avr 2023 - 18:46

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Avr 2023 - 0:39

Ton téléphone se met à vibrer et tu le regardes par réflexe et tu retournes ton regard tendre vers Beckham qui s’agrandit soudainement. « Attends, fuck, c’est mardi aujourd’hui? » Tu sautes en bas du lit en te faisant mal au pied au passage. « Merde, merde, merde. J’ai un rendez-vous avec mon directeur de thèse pour un chapitre et après il part pour deux semaines au Maroc! » Que tu t’exclames en sautant dans tes jeans, sans tes sous-vêtements. Tu remets tes sandales, tu mets ton soutien-gorge puis ton débardeur. « Je sais, j’ai promis que j’partirais pas mais je dois absolument être à ce rendez-vous, je reviens plus tard. » Tu retournes vers la porte en prenant ton sac puis tu t’arrêtes soudainement et tu reviens sur tes pas. Tu embrasses Beckham comme si ta vie en dépendait puis tu retournes vers la sortie. « Promis, je disparaitrai plus. Sauf maintenant. Pour quelques heures. » que tu lui dis en te sauvant doucement, lui laissant comme dernier rempart ton sous-vêtement.

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)   what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy) - Page 2 Empty

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what day is it? and in what month? this clock never seemed so alive... (beckacy)
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